Press Office: On or Off?

Press Office: On or Off?We’re simple folk at VentnorBlog, so shifting sands can confuse us.

It would appear that the Council Press Office haven’t shredded VB’s email address after all.

What should pop in our inbox this morning, but an official press release from them regarding the next round of public consultations on the Schools Reforms.

Eh? Either we’re cut off or we’re not.

Which one is it?

In a continuation of their over-controlling manner, the IW council press office are now deciding which releases we are to be blessed with and which not.

Such cynical behaviour is hard for simple folk to understand.

If you want to ‘use’ VentnorBlog to get your message out to the population you need to decide which one it is Ms Robertson. Are we in the fold or outside?

Image: Charles Chan