Cheetah Marine Get What They Want

Shred it up and start again?Yes folks, the Planning Committee felt that it was acceptable to allow the condition that Cheetah Marine be obliged to provide a harbour master’s office in perpetuity, to be removed from the planning permission.

Champagne all round at the Bonchurch Inn tonight then?

If you’re scratching your head wondering whether you were right in remembering county councillor Jonny Fitzgerald Bond state that the provision of the Harbour Master’s office was needed to meet the criteria specified by the SEEDA funding for the Haven – don’t worry you’re not going mad. Yes, he did say that at the DCC meeting on 25 April 2007.

If you’re thinking, hang on a minute, didn’t the Planning Committee just refuse a request to have the harbour master’s office removed from conditions back in November 2007?

Yes they did, the reason being “To ensure that the community benefits of this scheme are retained in perpetuity and to comply with the Ventnor Eastern Esplanade Development Brief.”

You also might be wondering why the balls up of the ‘for marine use only’ wording being mysteriously removed from the legal document (s.106) wasn’t discussed at all – yes, we are too.

We’re sure many people are asking themselves, what exactly is the point of planning conditions attached to planning permission?

Image: MHaw