Cabinet To Vote On Home To School Transport Consultation

Papers outlining proposed changes to the Isle of Wight council’s ‘Home to School Transport Policy’ have been released today by the council.

Hands in the airAs mentioned previously on VB, the paper recommends that a further period of representation take place (until 14 October 2011) and that the outcome of this process is taken to Cabinet for decision in December 2011.

Entire review of policy
As we reported last month, the council are proposing to review their entire home to school transport policy, meaning that a decision on concessionary discretionary travel to faith schools, which was expected last month, will be delayed.

Also being voted upon is the decision to increase the termly bus pass for post 16 students to £50 with effect from September 2011.

Three decisions are being recommended for the Cabinet members to vote upon

  • OPTION 1 To note the outcomes of the recent consultations regarding possible changes to the provision of a subsidy for post 16 transport and the discretional element of denominational school transport.
  • OPTION 2 To agree that a further period of representation takes place, from Tuesday 6 September to 14 October 2011, regarding the proposed new home to education transport policy (as set out in Appendix B) and that the outcome of this process is taken to Cabinet for decision in December 2011.
  • OPTION 5 To agree to increase the termly bus pass for post 16 students to £50 with effect from September 2011.

The paper is embedded below for your convenience. Click on the full screen icon to see larger version

Home to School Transport Cabinet Paper

Image: tib chris under CC BY 2.0