Armchair Auditor: Now With All Council’s 2010 Payments Over £500

Did you know that the Isle of Wight council spent over £47,000 on photocopying last year?

armchairIf this is the kind of thing that spikes your interest, you’ll be glad to hear that the Isle of Wight Armchair Auditor Website has been updated to include each and every payment that the Isle of Wight council has made over £500 during the last financial year.

WightGeek has again worked his database magic, altering the programming of the site to easily handle the vast amount of data in the system, totalling 34,642 payments.

These changes enable you to easily see how much has been spent over the year, as well as quarterly subtotals, drilling down to individual payments. They also neatly handle the ever-growing amount of data that will be updated to the site.

Get involved and comment
We encourage you to have a look and when you find something interesting, feel free to add your comments to the bottom of items, for others to read and share.

With many people looking at the information – being one step removed from it – we think there’s a high possibility that constructive suggestions to the council could arise as to ways they could save money in the future by buying differently.

How do you use it?
If you’re looking for a background on how to use the Armchair Auditor site, there’s a good background in this piece we published at the original launch.

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