Call For Referendum on Highways PFI And County Hall Remodelling

VB reader Dave Quigley has this morning copied us in on an email sent to all Isle of Wight council members. He’s calling for a referendum on the highways PFI scheme and County Hall remodelling and asking others who agree to write to councillors too. Ed

Vote Yes BannerIn view of the IW Council’s Cuts to Services this year, their intention to sign up for the PFI Roads scheme and the latest problems over the actual figures for the refurbishment of County Hall, all of which are going to have a very long term effect on the Island, its inhabitants and its visitors. (25+ years)

I, as a native Islander call upon the IWC to hold a referendum on whether or not we want them to go ahead with PFI and County Hall refurbishment.

This should be at the earliest possible date. Should the IWC lose the referendum, the ruling group should then do what they ALWAYS do in Council, block vote, and all stand down and face by-elections in their respective wards.

Of course, I know this challenge will not be met by those I think of as the cowards of the Island’s Conservative party in County Hall as they are well aware that the Island DOES NOT want their slash and burn policies and will show them the door.

Dave J. Quigley, East Cowes 9th April 2011

Anyone who supports this challenge, please write or email your own councillor and state your views. Copies of this have gone to every IWC Councillor

Image: Francisco Osario under CC BY 2.0