Island UFO Sighting? Government Documents Released Today

Today, the largest number of documents relating to reports of UFO sighting in the UK have been released by the government.

'UFO' on a houseWe’ve had a quick look at them to see if there’s any on the Island, but found the PDF form that they’ve been released in do not allow quick text searching – not surprising as they’re scanned letter reach back years in the past.

We were wondering if there was anyone out in VB-land that would be up for looking through the documents (it doesn’t need to be immediate) and identifying sighting that have happened on the Island.

Once you’ve found them, we’d welcome either an article written, by you, or at least the pointer to the document, so we can write it up for VB.

If you want to get involved, take a look at the document site on the National Archive and drop us an email – we’d love to hear from you.

(BTW – the image above is of a 1970’s Futuro house by Matti Suuronen on top of another house.)

Image: digitizedchaos under CC BY 2.0