Daft Old Duffer: We Lords Of Creation

Daft Old Duffer ponders on some of life’s unanswered questions. Not for the faint-hearted. Ed

We are assured that the physical presence of us males is the product of much natural selection, and that we are now in the best possible shape to rule over the rest of the animal kingdom, survive nature’s onslaughts and explore the remainder of the universe when we feel like it.

So how come the most important part of our anatomy is left to dangle entirely unprotected in front – vulnerable to onslaught by any aggressive creature who happens not to like us?

And why is said dangly bit so blooming sensitive? So ready to render us impotent with the lightest of blows or kicks or (shudder) bites?

Why, if it must be so positioned, is it not retractable in times of peril? I think I know the answer. It’s Gods way of reminding us that He’s the One in charge.

And that He likes a bit of a laugh.

Misread intentions?
I was trudging back from the shops, head down against the rain wearing my old man’s cap, shapeless jacket, baggy jeans. And with grubby shopping bags dragging my shoulders down on either side.

When a pretty young lady smiled at me. She did. Yes she did.

Must have been me because there was no-one else around. And besides, she looked straight into my eyes as she passed.

I’d like to think she saw past my wizened shuffling exterior to the 26 year old stallion prancing and snorting away inside.

But I suspect she was looking at an old fart who reminded her of her grandad, poor old soul, can’t help being a bit smelly in the wee area.

Image: Hans S under CC BY-SA 2.0