Restaurant? Cum Bar? Yah!

Kurt spends his time trotting the world seeking the finest. He’s a respected reviewer with over 20 years experience, so knows a thing or two about it and isn’t shy to give his opinion – Ed.

This afternoon, I submitted one my the series of restaurantial reviews to TripAdvisor (well, they may as well go there when they are finished with), and, to my horror, it was refused as ‘indecent’.

Cum Bar, Yah?Me? indecent?

I am the most proper person in the world. And were I going to be delicately blue, it would be on something a little more witty and literary than TripAdvisor!

I puzzled .. was it that I has said the waitress was pretty? .. surely not … finally, amazedly, hilariously, it dawned on me.

I had mentioned ‘the restaurant cum bar’.

The automatic secretary at TripAdvisor has no degree in Latin it seems (nor in English!).

In American, it appears, ‘cum’ is deemed indecent!

Image: Lara604 under CC BY 2.0